Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Big Belly

My friend and I were bored at work one day so we decided to take a couple pictures of my big belly since I don't have any... or a camera. So here is the end result...

ps. I'm in all brown because our scrubs sets are brown. I can't fit into my scrub top anymore so I just wear brown t-shirts. The patients all tell us we look like UPS.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Council Family is Growing

I can't sleep so I figured I would add a third post to this blogging thing. We have had a significant change since my last post. We found out January 26th that I am PREGNANT :)

I took the test when LaMont was at work. I got off a couple hours before him. When it said "pregnant" I couldn't have been more surprised. I just stared at it in disbelief. I was sooooo happy, but I also had doubt. I was afraid that little stick was lying to me. So, I got in the car and drove to Kroger. I bought three more tests... all different brands because I didn't want a particular brand to lie to me. When I got home and the rest of the tests said pregnant.... then I believed it.

I have been really fortunate with this pregnancy... no morning sickness, no puking or queasy feelings. Just really tired and a lot of headaches. The only food I struggle with is Japanese food which is sad because LaMont and I love Japanese food.... our baby does not. So I guess I lied about the no sickness part.

My belly recently started to grow. I can't hide it anymore. I am due September 28th which makes me 22 weeks. We have an ultrasound on Tuesday (this is where you would normally find out the sex of the baby). LaMont and I decided that we are not going to find out. I know this is not the norm anymore. Funny how our parents/grandparents didn't even have the you can do 4-D and learn everything!

The baby kicks my bladder all the time. I love to feel it move but I could do without the bladder kicks. In the ultrasounds we have had thus far the baby has been really active. Even when I could not feel the baby, it was moving around like crazy. That was really neat and weird to see on the screen, especially since I couldn't feel it moving. I am very excited for Tuesday now that I can feel the baby.

We are sooooo excited. I guess it is time for me to buy a camera....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I guess you are suppose to write in this more than once a quarter....

Not much has changed... hence the lack of writing.

LaMont is now the Second Counselor in the Bishopric of our church. I am now the Relief Society Second Counselor and the Ward Camp Director for girls camp this year! I am very excited about going to camp. I don't like camping.... but I love girls camp so it should be great.

My sisters and I went hiking recently and ran into three bears.

Speaking of hiking... LaMont and I spent a weekend at James River State Park (a wonderful wonderful place to get away for the weekend). We did a lot of hiking, grilling and relaxing. If I can figure out how to hook the camera up to the computer I will post pictures. Unfortunately I have no pictures of the bears from the trip with my sisters, just pictures of me attempting to climb a tree (with no success).

Ok, let me try to hook the camera up to the computer to get some pictures on here...