when I feel like torturing myself I read other people's blog. More specifically, I read other stay at home mom's blogs. To say this is torture is really an understatement. I always walk away from the computer feeling depressed and a little crazy. It seems like every other at home mom is a perfect chef, housekeeper, baker, entertainer, etc. And they must be telling the truth because they have pictures to prove it right? I don't undertand how they do so much in one day? And then have time to write a book about it?
So let me tell you how today went for me... no sugar coating....
Marie and I bought Bambi the other day so we stayed in our pj's and watched Bambi together. We didn't get dressed for the day until after lunch. Lunch was supposed to be nutella sandwhiches but Marie only wanted to eat pretzels... I didn't fight her this time... she had pretzels and then licked the chocolate off the bread of her uneaten sandwhich for lunch.
This afternoon we made dinner for a couple that just had a baby on Saturday. Let me take a side note here to say that laMont and I adore this couple. They are so wonderful and their baby boy is the cutest baby. Ok so back to our day... I always let Marie "help" me cook because I want her to feel like she is a part of the process and I hope that along the way she will learn to cook. Well, we made Pizza's for the couple and Marie dumped a bunch of pizza sauce all over herself while I was putting the pizza's in the oven... sauce comes out of clothing right? I left the shirt on her... we had just made it out of pj's I didn't want to have to change her again that fast.
We decided since we had already cooked and laMont wasn't going to make it home for dinner tonight that we would go to Chick Fil a for there free kids meal night. This was a HORRIBLE idea. The place was packed. I finally get marie in, order our food, secure a table and a high chair (I did drop one drink which exploded all over the floor and a little 5 year old girl). I gave Marie her food and we are all ready to eat when Marie discovers the play ground. She BEGS "play please play please play please!" over and over and over. She won't TOUCH her food. I give up... I pack up all the uneaten food (I did manage to put the dressing on my salad which means by the time I eat it the entire thing is going to be soggy) and we go to the play ground. She plays until I tell her it is time to leave. When I tell her that she launches into the most hysterical temper tantrum ever... EVER. In front of a million judging eyes I yank her and our food out of there and to the car where we come home and I discover that she got into her food in the car and dumped it all over herself.
I am trying to get those pictures at the begining of this post down here at the end. I can't figure it out... Anyway, the first one is Marie dirty dancing in our back yard. The second is Marie helping me cook pizza's for our friends.
Anyway that was our day!
ps. the only reason I wrote so much is because nothing good comes on TV on Tuesday nights. This is probably when I will start doing my blog catch up... and torturing myself reading other's blogs.