Thursday, September 9, 2010

Marie is almost 1

I can't believe how fast this year has gone. Marie is going to be ONE on September 26th. This has seriously been the best year. I LOVE motherhood. I love it way more than I imagined I would.

Marie started walking really early. She has been walking since 9 months. I was definitely not ready for that! I enjoy her new found curiosity though. She has become super independent since developing mobility. She is no longer my cuddly baby... I can't help but thinking that I lost my baby and I now have a toddler. I don't know what the age limits are for baby vs. toddler but since she is walking and running and now climbing... I find it hard to believe that she isn't a toddler? This is sad to me :( But also exciting and fun :)

She says "mama," "Dada" and "uh oh." She loves dogs and is starting to say doggie but it isn't very clear. She does say "boom" all the time and I'm not quite sure what that is about because neither LaMont nor I walk around saying "Boom." It is funny to me that she has fallen in love with dogs because LaMont and I are NOT pet people at all. We will never in our lives own a pet. Even when our children beg for a dog we will not ever ever cave. It is a good thing our neighbor has a dog! Marie stands in our driveway and barks at the neighbors dog. My grandpa has two dogs that Marie gets to see as well and she LOVES these moments.

I can't believe how lucky I am to be Marie's mother. She has brought so much happiness into our home and it just gets better and better every day.

I promise to post more now that I remembered my password for blogspot!


Natalie said...

She is sooo adorable! Looks like you guys are doing well! Keep in touch.

Danielle said...

she is lovely!

Carrie said...

Oh my goodness! She's so cute! Oh, do you mind if I add you to my blog stalking list? Thanks. :)

Michelle said...

Be careful with saying "never ever"... you could end up a happy dog owner one day! And speaking of dogs, I would LOVE to get my angel on video barking! LOL

Michelle said...

Ya! I love your blog! Keep it going!!

Sarah said...

look who's blogging?!? yaaay! love these pictures...Marie is so incredibly cute! Hope she has a happy birthday!